NorthStar Founder, Jonathan Muenkel, Speaks On Potential Changes to Patent Law

american bar association logo northstarOn March 26, 2015, NorthStar Law Group Founder, Jonathan Muenkel, spoke at the American Bar Association Intellectual Property Law Section’s Spring Conference in Bethesda, Maryland.  Jonathan was one of five panelists speaking on the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent activity in the area of patent law, and potential changes to patent practice based on the High Court’s decisions.

Rave reviews were given by several of the over 100 audience members following the program on its comprehensive, and thought-provoking, content.  On March 27th, a highly respected legal news publication, Law360, ran a story about the program, focusing specifically on comments from the Honorable Paul Michel (a program panelist and retired Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals), concerning the impact of the Supreme Court’s recent patent decisions, and what it means for businesses and patent practitioners going forward.

A copy of the slide deck from the program can be found here.  Please contact Jonathan Muenkel, if you have any questions.









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